upgraded A380 refurbishment business line

First of Qantas‘ upgraded A380 took off!

Qantas A380 onboard Lounge 

Qantas’ first upgraded A380 with the new cabin welcomed its first passengers today.

We are very proud to have been involved in the manufacturing of the galleys for the new A380’s Qantas Business Suite.

We would like to thank AIS (Airbus Interiors Services) for trusting us to help them on this wonderful project.

Two more A380s (of a total of 12) are scheduled to be refurbished before the end of 2019.

Qantas expects to complete the refurbishment of the remaining 11 aircraft by the end of 2020.

Congratulations to the SIA (Satys Interiors Aerospace) teams!


Aircraft Interiors Expo 2018

At the Aircraft Interiors Expo 2018 (AIX) in Hamburg we presented our new identity and our now booth.

Our Business Unit, Satys Interiors, was able to show some tailor-made solutions to VIP and Airlines.

Managing directors with the EASA part 21J certification

Finaero obtains its EASA Part 21J for its interiors division, AIP.

Finaero pursues its development and announces at the Paris Air Show the attribution for its interiors branch, AIP, of EASA’s PART 21J certification.

The interiors branch AIP will now be able to certify its own designs through its recent PART 21J (EASA.21J.561) certification, in addition to its already existing PART 21G (FR.21G.0065) and PART 145 (FR.145.546).

This qualification will enable Finaero to offer its customers an even broader array of interior design services supported by its Roissy Charles de Gaulle design, certification and product office.

We are proud of this accomplishment which rewards our team’s efforts, organization and know-how”, stated Jon Oruezabala, Managing Director of AIP. This new step is in line with Finaero’s already important development plan to diversify its service offering for its customers. Successful milestones these past months for the group also included:

  • Painting & Sealing division, STTS, in order to improve the quality and efficiency of its services, has organized its offering into five worldwide divisions. Three new paint hangars (60m€ investment) are now up and running in Toulouse. The company has equally launched operations in the US, in Portland, Washington State, as well as the construction of a new A380 & VIP paint hangar at the new Dubai South airport.
  • Interiors division, AIP, also recently announced the acquisition of SMTC, the French train interiors specialist, to further extend the group’s aviation interior’s service-offering to the railway sector as well as significantly reinforcing the branch’s production capacities to better serve the aircraft interiors market.
  • Electric division, CIEE, has shown very good progress over the first six months of the 2017 exercise. CIEE is to extend its factory in Thailand which manufactures cables and wire assemblies. The branch is also due to set up operations in the US.

Delivering diversity & quality on-time to our customers remains our number one priority. In order to do so our group has started undergoing a global transformation project underlined by the slogan: 1 group, 1 vision, 1 partner” said Christophe Cador.